The Munson-Erenhouse Wedding

Here are the answers to some of the most frequently asked questions we've had from friends, relatives and some perfect strangers...

Q) How did you two meet?
Probably the most frequently asked question is how the two of us met.  A mutual friend of ours in Charlottesville introduced us in November 1998, and we quickly realized that we were meant to be together.  Our first "date" was on December 21, 1998.

Q) How did Ryan propose?
On April 14, 2000, Ryan finally asked Marianna to marry him.  After walking around with the ring he purchased for a few weeks, waiting for the right time, talking with his future mother-in-law and parents, and taking a deep breath, Ryan decided that it was time.  He took Marianna out to dinner to a small restaurant in Old Town Alexandria, Virginia, called
Cajun Bangkok and stopping for some coffee and dessert at XandO.

Outside his apartment, Ryan, who has always seen himself as a sort of Peter Pan, told Marianna about how Peter Pan didn't want to grow up until he met a girl named Wendy and how he (Ryan) felt that she (Marianna) was his "Wendy."  After that, Ryan pulled the ring from his pocket and asked Marianna to marry him, to which she obviously said, "Yes!"

Q) Where are you going to live?
Ryan and Marianna will be living in Washington, DC following the wedding. Marianna is currently entertaining several offers from the major hospitals in the area and Ryan is planning to enter law school in the next year.

Q) Who is going to do the laundy?
A valid question to ask, however the answer has yet to be determined :)

Q) When is the wedding?
The wedding is on June 30, 2001

Q) Where is the wedding?
The ceremony will be held at the Wellsley College Chapel and the reception will follow at Marianna's grandmother's home in Dover, MA.

Q) Where are you registered?
We are currently
registered at Williams-Sonoma, Crate & Barrell, & Bloomingdales, Tiffany & Co. , Shreve, Crump & Lowe, and Marco Polo .

Q) How can I get in touch with you?
You can contact
Ryan or Marianna via email or call Ryan at (202) 669-0029

Q) How can I get in touch with your parents?
You can contact
Ruth Munson, Joann Erenhouse, or Ron Erenhouse via email.

The Bride, The Groom, The Engagement, Frequently Asked Questions, The Wedding, Some Fun Stuff, The Registry, Contacting Us