Marianna Caroline Amory Munson was born on April 7, 1979 in New York City.  She is the only child of John and Ruth Munson.  She lived in New York and attended The Chapin School until she was ten years old.

During that time she spent many weekends at her grandparents' house in Dover, MA.  She also spent most of her summers at her family's home in Mattapoisett, MA where she sailed and played tennis. 

At the age of 10 Marianna moved to Dedham, MA and began attending The Winsor School in Boston. During her high school years there she was involved in the varsity crew team.  She was heavily involved in horseback riding and horseshowing, including teaching young beginner riders.

In 1997 Marianna graduated from Winsor and in the fall began attending the School of Nursing at the University of Virginia in Charlottesville, VA.  She is currently entering her fourth year there and expects to graduate in May, 2001 with a B.S. in nursing.  At UVA Marianna has been involved in the Head Start program in Charlottesville as well as an HIV/AIDS Resource center.  She is also currently Social Chair of the Virginia Riding Team.  Throughout the school year she competes with the team in numerous IHSA and regular horse shows.

In the future, Marianna wishes to complete graduate work and become a nurse practitioner specializing in family and community health.  She is very interested in being involved in health prevention and education programs.  She also hopes to continue riding and showing.

Marianna's mother, Ruth, lives in Dover MA and works in the legal department at Biogen, Inc, a biotechnology company in Cambridge, MA.

Do you have fun stories about Marianna, or perhaps some pictures?

The Bride, The Groom, The Engagement, Frequently Asked Questions, The Wedding, Some Fun Stuff, The Registry, Contacting Us